Study Finds Men Spending Time With Friends May Reduce Hair Loss

added 26th December 2014

A new study carried out by researchers from Germany’s University of Gottingen have found that men are more likely to lower their stress levels by spending time with their male friends than they are from spending time with their partner or family.

Barbary macaque apes study gives male hair loss insightThe study of Barbary macaque apes, whose social behaviour is similar to that of humans, found that male macaques were less stressed when with other males. They were noticeably comforted and less anxious when in the presence of a group of male macaques. This male bonding was even found to reduce negative effects brought on by external stressors like low temperatures and potential threats.

Conversely, the researchers also discovered that female apes or couples were the only ones prone to stress-related illnesses.

Recent studies have shown that a significant number of high earning men with salaries of £75,000 or more, are more likely to suffer from hair loss than those earning £15,000 or less – and most of them blame their hair loss on stress.

As male pattern hair loss can be exacerbated by stress in those who are predisposed to genetic hair loss, this German study could well give an insight into how men may better manage their stress, and help their hair in the process.

Whilst it will not halt hair loss or restore thinning hair, whether it’s taking part in a group sport or just spending time together at the pub, it seems that, for men, regularly spending time with male friends may make stress-related hair loss one less thing to worry about.

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